Donation Center


The OUTMemphis Donation Center serves as a holding facility for all incoming and outgoing donations of furniture, home goods, appliances, clothes, pantry goods, and the basics needed to build a first home. Consisting of a garage and clothing room, the Donation Center serves participants of the Metamorphosis Project- our housing project for LGBTQ+ youth aged 18-24. Participants are welcome to utilize the space for any goods they may need for their first apartment. Volunteers receive donations, sort and label, pack up, rearrange, and stage the space to create a friendly shopping experience and quality customer service for participants. Volunteers may also serve as a shopper’s assistant to participants. The support afforded by this role will go towards cultivating a warm and inviting space for participants to exercise autonomy in picking out what supplies suit them.

832 Virginia Run Cove Memphis, TN 38122

The support afforded by this role will go towards cultivating a warm and inviting space for participants to exercise autonomy in picking out what supplies suit them.

Kelsey Olive | Case Manager |

Please wear comfortable clothing and close-toed shoes.

Donation Center
How You Can Help
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