Community Center Support Volunteer


Our original Community Center is devoted full-time to the programs and services at the core of our institution, including Trans Services, Senior Services, Youth Community Programs, Training & Education, Community OUTReach, peer-led social/support groups and our rapidly expanding, multi-pronged Health and Wellness program. Volunteers who serve at our flagship location will assist in sustaining programming, greeting and directing visitors, maintaining our spaces, and much more!

892 Cooper St Memphis, Tennessee 38104 United States

General cleaning and organizing, light maintenance, cooking meals, preparing for events/programming, clerical tasks

Christian Mays | Community Center Coordinator | Kayla Collins | Director of Health & Wellness | Joshua Hall | Chief Programs Officer |

Please wear comfortable clothing and close-toed shoes! Always wear your volunteer badge or ask for one!

Please unregister from a shift as soon as you are aware that you cannot make it (preferably 48 hours in advance).

Community Center Support Volunteer
How You Can Help
Work a Shift
Date Day Time Role Need